It Came from Beneath the Sea Overview:

It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955) was a Fantasy - Horror Film directed by Robert Gordon and produced by Sam Katzman and Charles H. Schneer.

BlogHub Articles:

It Came from Beneath the Sea

By Barry P. on Jun 10, 2020 From Cinematic Catharsis

(1955) Directed by Robert Gordon; Written by George Worthing Yates and Harold Jacob Smith; Starring: Kenneth Tobey, Faith Domergue, Donald Curtis and Ian Keith Available on Blu-ray and DVD Rating: ***½ “It’s just like the basic concept of Mickey Mouse. He only has four finger... Read full article

It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955, Robert Gordon)

on Mar 21, 2020 From The Stop Button

I finished watching It Came from Beneath the Sea, which I regret, particularly because the whole reason I didn?t shut it down was for the big special effects finale, when the giant radioactive octopus finally attacks a city. Incidentally, it?s San Francisco, which doesn?t turn out to be anywhere nea... Read full article

It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955)

By Beatrice on Feb 15, 2016 From Flickers in Time

It Came from Beneath the Sea Directed by Robert Gordon Written by George Worthing Yates and Harold Jacob Smith from a story by Yates 1955/USA Clover Productions First viewing/Netflix rental A dopey love triangle?meets some pretty cool special effects and a liberated lady. An atomic sub picks up a st... Read full article

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Quotes from

[last lines]
Cmdr. Pete Mathews: Well, I guess that's it. The sub's been ordered on patrol. We'll be on sea duty for a few months. We'll be seeing you, John.
Prof. John Carter: Soon, I hope.
Cmdr. Pete Mathews: Will I be seeing you, Leslie?
Prof. Lesleyl Joyce: Do you mean when I get back from Cairo?
Cmdr. Pete Mathews: I mean, women can change, move away, get married, have families.
Prof. Lesleyl Joyce: Well, there is that possibility; but, uh, A - there isn't time for that to happen to me; B - I can be reached at the school; and C - how would you like to collaborate with me on a book, "How To Catch A Sea Beast"?
[takes Pete's chin, draws herself to him, and kisses him on the lips]
Cmdr. Pete Mathews: Say, doctor, you were right about this new breed of women!
["The End" title appears beneath trio as he starts this line, and music increases volume accordingly, partially drowning him out. Fade to black as line finishes]

Cmdr. Pete Mathews: The next time I cruise in these waters I'm going to have torpedoes with warheads on them.

Cmdr. Pete Mathews: This is a submarine, doctor; it can go under water, it can go under boats. Now, you better run below if you don't wanna get wet.

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Facts about

The Special Jet Propelled Torpedo is actually a aerial torpedo (it was delivered by aircraft and by torpedo boats) that had it's propellers and rudders removed.
This is the film that brought together producer Charles H. Schneer and special effects legend Ray Harryhausen. Their professional relationship would last until Clash of the Titans, the final feature for both men.
Because the budget was so low, Ray Harryhausen saved money by building his octopus model with six rather than the correct eight tentacles. He tried to pose the creature so this lack of the right number of arms wasn't apparent.
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