Director(s)George Lucas
Top GenresScience Fiction, Short Films
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Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138:4EB Overview:

Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138:4EB (1967) was a Short Films - Science Fiction Film directed by George Lucas .

Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138:4EB was inducted into the National Film Registry in 2010.

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Facts about

In one scene, a reel is shown spinning, to segue into another shot. On this reel is a white label that says "University of Southern California".
The "EB" referred to in the title means "earth born" according to the original script writer.
The title character is always referred to by his full name spoken one character at a time: either 1) Tee, aich, eks, one, one, three, eight, four, ee, bee - 2) the "one, one" spoken as "eleven" or "one, one" is apparently incorrectly spoken as a single "one" In the remake he is usually called just "Thex" as a phonetic pronunciation of the THX prefix.
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National Film Registry

Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138:4EB

Released 1967
Inducted 2010

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Also directed by George Lucas

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Also released in 1967

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