Deadline at Dawn Overview:

Deadline at Dawn (1946) was a Film Noir - Mystery Film directed by Harold Clurman and produced by Adrian Scott and Sid Rogell.

BlogHub Articles:

Deadline at Dawn (1946, Harold Clurman)

on Apr 18, 2013 From The Stop Button

Given all the excellent components, Deadline at Dawn ought to be a lot better. It has a compelling plot–a naive sailor and erstwhile murder suspect (Bill Williams) has to solve the crime before he ships out, but he’s just met a city hardened girl (Susan Hayward) and crushing on her and s... Read full article

The Hilariously Offbeat Dialogue of Deadline at Dawn (1946)

By KC on Aug 5, 2010 From Classic Movies

Deadline at Dawn (1946) is finally available on DVD—and I’m so glad its purple prose is now readily available to the masses. I saw this offbeat noir flick for the first time in a theater—and the over-the-top dialogue made the audience giggle so much that I thought I must have misse... Read full article

Deadline At Dawn

By KC on Jul 7, 2007 From Classic Movies

“Between you and me and the lamppost officer, happiness is no laughing matter”Whether you find this movie hilarious, clever or insufferable will depend on your tastes, but you are not likely to be bored. The audience at the SIFF theater in Seattle last night hardly let a line go by witho... Read full article

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Quotes from

Gus Hoffman: [to Alex and June] Let's lower our voice. We're not exactly mice.

June Goth: Call me June. It rhymes with moon.

Alex Winkley: Do you think it might rain and cool off?
June Goth: [detached] Such things have been known to happen.

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Facts about

"Lux Radio Theater" broadcast a 60 minute radio adaptation of the movie onMay 20, 1946 with Paul Lukas reprising his film role.
The only film directed by legendary stage director Harold Clurman.
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Also released in 1946

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