Crooked River Overview:

Crooked River (1950) was a Action - Romance Film directed by Thomas Carr and produced by Ron Ormond.

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Shamrock Ellison: The doctor says you were pretty lucky, Deacon. He said the bullet only grazed your skull and knocked you out.
Deacon: Well, the way I look at it, I'da been a goner if it hit any place but my head.

Lucky Hayden: Who are you?
Shamrock Ellison: Across the border they call me "Shamrock", or to put it more bluntly, I'm hot cargo.

[last lines]
Colonel: We better get you into town.
Shamrock Ellison: Make in pronto, Sheriff. I've got a promise to keep and I want to talk her out of it!

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Also directed by Thomas Carr

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Also released in 1950

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