Blackbeard's Ghost Overview:

Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by Robert Stevenson and produced by Bill Walsh.

BlogHub Articles:

WE "HEART" PIRATES WEEK: Blackbeard's Ghost, 1968

on Feb 24, 2021 From Caftan Woman

Ahoy! It's We... Read full article

1960s Twin Bill: "The Rare Breed" and "Blackbeard's Ghost"

By Rick29 on Jan 31, 2013 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

James Stewart. The Rare Breed With the exception of The Flight of the Phoenix, James Stewart didn't get a lot of worthy roles in the 1960s. He was in his mid-fifties when the decade began, so instead of his typical romantic leads and loner heroes, he played a lot of patriarchs in lukewarm fare lik... Read full article

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Quotes from

Gudger Larkin: Hey Coach! Shockley Just cleared 6' 11. And they're trying for 7 feet!
Steve Walker: Our Shockley?

[telling Steve Walker about Blackbeard's tenth wife]
Mrs. Stocroft: Aldetha was a witch, you know. She never forgave the Captain for denouncing her to the authorities. When they were burning Aldetha at the stake, she put a terrible curse on him. As the flames crept higher and higher, she screeched her dying words:
[raises her voice and startles Steve]
Mrs. Stocroft: "EDWARD TEACH, sometimes known as Captain Blackbeard, when you come to die, may your body and soul be racked between this world and the next, always to be alone! May this curse hold fast and true, may you be held forevermore in limbo, until such time as there be found in you, most wicked of all villains - "
[laughs maniacally]
Mrs. Stocroft: " - some spark of human goodness!"
Mrs. Stocroft: [in her calm, normal voice again] Well, good night, Mr. Walker. Sleep well! The dining room will be open for breakfast at 7:30 AM. Please be prompt.

Steve Walker: It's that rotten pirate, he did it!

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