Background to Danger Overview:

Background to Danger (1943) was a Drama - Thriller/Suspense Film directed by Raoul Walsh and produced by Jack L. Warner and Jerry Wald.


Nazis, Soviets, and American agent Raft are all after a cache of secret documents in the mysterious back alleys of WWII Turkey. A great, fast-moving spy tale handled expertly by Walsh. Based on Eric Ambler's Uncommon Danger.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


BlogHub Articles:

Background to Danger (1943) with George Raft and Peter Lorre

By Orson De Welles on Mar 3, 2016 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! Love in the midst of intrigue! Many films were made after the gross successes of The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca, mostly by Warner Brothers and repurposing various reconfigurations of the original cast of those two films, though all excluded Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.? The ?ho... Read full article

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Quotes from

'Mac' McNamara: [Last lines Asking about Joe and Tamara] What are you going to do in Moscow?
Joe Barton: We're gonna cement Russian-American relations.

'Mac' McNamara: Where are you headed for now?
Joe Barton: A wild ride on a Turkish merry-go-round.

Joe Barton: There's a couple of numbers that won't do you any good. They're in Brooklyn.

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Facts about

The three photographs of possible Roumanian secret agents which McNamara shows Joe were those of the Warner Bros. contract players 'Paul Panzer', Glen Cavender and Stuart Holmes. Those three are not actually in the movie. The fourth photograph was that of Leo White who is seen in an early scene whispering in someone's ear.
Sydney Greenstreet filmed a special trailer where he talks directly to the camera.
This film is mentioned in Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" as the second in a double feature seen by Sal and Dean in a Detroit theater (chapter 11 of part three).
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Also directed by Raoul Walsh

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Also produced by Jack L. Warner

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Also released in 1943

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