Red Barry

Red Barry

Chapter Titles:
  • 1. Millions For Defense
  • 2. The Curtain Falls
  • 3. The Decoy
  • 4. High Stakes
  • 5. Desperate Chances
  • 6. The Human Target
  • 7. Midnight Tragedy
  • 8. The Devil's Disguise
  • 9. Between Two Fires
  • 10.The False Trail
  • 11.Heavy Odds
  • 12.The Enemy Within
  • 13.Mission For Mercy

Not seen on TV over the last 50+ years, this 1938 serial was one of many Universal cliffhangers based on comic strip characters. It was shown in the early 1950s to the young TV viewing audience, but then it suddenly vanished, along with Ace Drummond, Tim Tyler's Luck, Radio Patrol and others. Except for the "Flash Gordon" trilogy (1936-40) and Buck Rogers, also starring Buster Crabbe, these Saturday-matinée specials seemed to have dropped "off the radar", but thankfully have been revived for home video on VHS and now DVD.