John Loder Overview:

Actor, John Loder, was born John Muir Lowe on Jan 3, 1898 in London, England. Loder died at the age of 91 on Dec 26, 1988 in Selbourne, England .



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John Loder Quotes:

Felix Courtland: You know you need relaxing, lots of relaxing, I can hear your nerves snapping like rubber bands.

Reginald Parker: There'll be no New Year for you. You'll go out with the old one.

Madeleine Damien: Why do you always hound me? You know I despite you and everything you stand for.
Felix Courtland: There's always a chance I may be able to improve your opinion, and your manners.

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John Loder Facts
Became a U.S. Citizen in 1947

John (Loder) Lowe, a serving British officer who was in Dublin at the time of the 1916 Rising but was not directly involved in the fighting, did not take the surrender. He accompanied his father, General Lowe, to witness Patrick Pearse surrender to the general. This took place not in front of the General Post Office, Dublin, but at the corner of Parnell Street and Moore Street. There is a photograph which shows the historic moment - Pearse, accompanied by the nurse who carried the ceasefire order to the various rebel outposts in the city, facing General Lowe and his son, John (Loder).

Maternal grandfather was Sicilian, but became a British subject as his family did not accept his marriage to his younger sisters' British governess (Loder's grandmother).

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