John Lennon Overview:

Actor, John Lennon, was born John Winston Lennon on Oct 9, 1940 in Liverpool, Merseyside. Lennon died at the age of 40 on Dec 8, 1980 in New York City, NY .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Recording.

BlogHub Articles:

50 Years Ago: The Joy of John, Paul, George & Ringo

By FlickChick on Feb 9, 2014 From A Person in the Dark

50 years ago my life changed for the better because of the Fab Four. Before them, I was a mere child playing with childish things. But, at the age of 10 my life was transformed. I knew love! I had a purpose! I worshiped, yes worshiped, the Beatles. My room was a shrine. I cried the night t... Read full article

: Imagine

By Chris on Apr 30, 2013 From Family Friendly Reviews

Family-Friendly Rating: ?Highly Recommended? song (but highly “Avoidable” album and film) for anyone in your family who may not yet be familiar with it and a perfect suggestion for pre-teens and teenagers who may never have heard it before. This is not at all true for the album and movie... Read full article

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John Lennon Quotes:

John: [cuts tailor's tape measure with scissors and in girly voice] I now declare this bridge open!

John: You should have gone west to America. You would have been a senior citizen of Boston. But you took a wrong turn, and what happened? You're a lonely old man from Liverpool.
Grandfather: But I'm clean.
John: Are you?

[Paul tracking foot prints]
Paul: Easterner with greasy feet speak with fork tongue.
John: Does he? What's he say?
Paul: Passing this way, hot foot, many moons to temple.
George: Don't encourage him. You've got the part Paul!
John: Dare we ask how you know?
Ringo: How?
Paul: How! I saw these footprints and this guide book which points out places of local worship.
John: To the temple!

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John Lennon Facts
Was a bright child, but not much of a student from secondary school (akin to middle and high school) on; he found little to engage him, and failed his last round of final exams by just a few points. Was able to enter Art school on a headmaster's recommendation, but found it no more engaging, and slacked off, giving most of his energies to the Beatles, friends and girlfriends.

In 1969 he recorded the song "Give Peace A Chance" in room 1742, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montréal, Canada. Norman Mailer, Tom Smothers, and Timothy Leary can be heard as part of the chorus.

Isolated himself from the members of The Beatles after 1974. He had slammed Paul McCartney in the press (to which McCartney vehemently responded), he and George Harrison had stopped talking after an argument over The Concert For Bangladesh (Lennon wanted Yoko Ono to be an integral part of the show, and Harrison didn't want her to even perform). Lennon was also deeply hurt that Harrison largely left him out of his autobiography "I, Me, Mine". They never spoke again after the release of the book. He stayed away from Ringo Starr because he wanted to stay sober (and Starr was always drinking). He and McCartney were together for the last time on April 24th, 1976 (the night of the first "Saturday Night Live" (1975) offer of $3200 for the Beatles to reunite). Harrison maintained in later years that their disagreement was petty and that there was no real animosity between them.

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