Matches in people

Lillian Roth Lillian Roth Born on Dec 13, 1910 in Boston (MA), died May 12, 1980 in New York City (NY)

Lillian Miles Lillian Miles Born on Aug 1, 1907 in Oskaloosa (IA), died Feb 27, 1972 in Yucca Valley (CA)

Lillian Gish Lillian Gish Born on Oct 14, 1893 in Springfield (OH), died Feb 27, 1993 in New York City (NY)

Frank Ross Frank Ross Born on Aug 12, 1904 in Boston (MA), died Feb 18, 1990 in Los Angeles (CA)

Marion Ross Marion Ross Born on Oct 25, 1928 in Albert Lea (MN)

Ross Alexander Ross Alexander Born on Jul 27, 1907 in Brooklyn (NY), died Jan 2, 1937 in Los Angeles (CA)

Matches in movies

Lillian Russell Lillian Russell (1940)

My Name is Julia Ross My Name is Julia Ross (1945)

Lillian Gish in a Liberty Loan Appeal Lillian Gish in a Liberty Loan Appeal (1918)

Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

The Flag: A Story Inspired by the Tradition of Betsy Ross The Flag: A Story Inspired by the Tradition of Betsy Ross (1927)