Clark Gable

Clark Gable
(as Rhett Butler)

Rhett Butler: Why, all we have is cotton and slaves and arrogance.

Ann Rutherford

Ann Rutherford
(as Carreen O'Hara)

Carreen: I guess things like hands and ladies don't matter so much anymore.

Rex Harrison

Rex Harrison
(as Professor Henry Higgins)

Mrs. Higgins: Where's the girl now?
Professor Henry Higgins: She's being pinned. Some of the clothes we bought her didn't quite fit. I told Pickering we should have taken her with us.

Gene Kelly

Gene Kelly
(as Jerry Mulligan)

Jerry Mulligan: Civilization has a natural resistance to improving itself.

Jack Lemmon

Jack Lemmon
(as Jerry/Daphne)

Joe: There's another problem.
Jerry: Like what?
Joe: Like, what are you gonna do on your honeymoon?
Jerry: We've been discussing that. He wants to go to the Riviera but I kinda lean towards Niagara Falls.

Doris Day

Doris Day
(as Jan Morrow)

Jan: At least my problems can be solved in one bedroom. You couldn't solve yours in a thousand!