Yankee Buccaneer

Yankee Buccaneer

Chief Petty Officer Link: [Speaking of Porter] As an instructor it was his job to chew midshipmen off, and just between us, you gave him plenty of cause.
Lt. David Farragut: When a man's religion is the book of Navy regulations, he gotta be sour inside, and your captain's a very sour man, Mr. Link.

--Scott Brady (as ) in Yankee Buccaneer

Yankee Buccaneer

Yankee Buccaneer

Lt. Romero: [Concerning their bringing the countess with them] Davy Lad, what's the skipper gonna say about her?
Lt. David Farragut: I shudder to think, Link. I shudder to think.

--Scott Brady (as ) in Yankee Buccaneer

John Goldfarb, Please Come Home

John Goldfarb, Please Come Home

Sakalakis: [looking at bench] Rimsky, in for Korsakoff!

--Scott Brady (as ) in John Goldfarb, Please Come Home

Arizona Bushwhackers

Arizona Bushwhackers

Sheriff Lloyd Grover: I didn't know you had any dealing with the Indians.
Tom Rile: You still don't know. That's what I pay you for...not to know anything.
Sheriff Lloyd Grover: What is it, Tom? Are you selling the Apaches whiskey or guns?
Tom Rile: You better put that blindfold back on.
Sheriff Lloyd Grover: It's no wonder you got so many gunslingers working for you.
Tom Rile: You know, you'd look a lot healthier with that usual dumb look on your face.
Sheriff Lloyd Grover: Tom, I can only go so far with that dumb look and then something gets stuck in my craw and I can't get it out.
Tom Rile: Yeah, what? Your conscience?

--Scott Brady (as ) in Arizona Bushwhackers

Ambush at Cimarron Pass

Ambush at Cimarron Pass

[first lines]
Henry the Scout: Campfire in Beekers Rocks. Want me to scout it, Mr. Blake?
Sgt. Matt Blake: If it's an ambush they wouldn't light a fire.
Henry the Scout: Mmm. Not an Apache ambush.
Sgt. Matt Blake: Not if it's any ambush.

--Scott Brady (as ) in Ambush at Cimarron Pass
