

Philip Marlowe: You know where I can find Mavis?
Dolores Gonzáles: Mavis?
Philip Marlowe: She's not over at her place.
Dolores Gonzáles: Why should I turn you over to her?
Philip Marlowe: Because underneath the pasties is a size 40 heart.
[Dolores rolls her eyes]
Philip Marlowe: I thought you liked Mavis.
Dolores Gonzáles: I do like her, but why should she get all of the goodies?

--Rita Moreno (as Dolores Gonzáles) in Marlowe

West Side Story

West Side Story

Maria: If Chino hurts him, if he touches him, I swear to you I'll...
Anita: You'll do what Tony did to Bernardo?
Maria: I love Tony.
Anita: I know. I loved Benardo.

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story

West Side Story

West Side Story

Maria: My brother is a silly watchdog!
Bernardo: Ah, my sister is a precious jewel!
Anita: What am I, cut glass?

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story

West Side Story

West Side Story

Anita: [sobbing bitterly] Bernardo was right, If one of you was lying in the street bleeding, I'd walk by and spit on you.

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story

West Side Story

West Side Story

Anita: Come in, come in! We won't bite you until we know you better.

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story



Dolores Gonzáles: [responding, mid-striptease, to Philip Marlowe's question] The streets are paved with forgotten husbands!

--Rita Moreno (as Dolores Gonzáles) in Marlowe

West Side Story

West Side Story

Bernardo: [singing] Everyone there will give big cheers!
Anita: [singing] Everyone there will have moved here!

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story

West Side Story

West Side Story

Bernardo: I'd like to go back to San Juan.
Anita: I know a boat you can get on!

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story

West Side Story

West Side Story

Bernardo: [singing] Everywhere grime in America / Organised crime in America / Terrible time in America
Anita: You forget I'm in America

--Rita Moreno (as Anita) in West Side Story