The Last Time I Saw Archie

The Last Time I Saw Archie

Pvt. Russell Drexler: And maybe you haven't given any thought to how much you are a sitting duck in one of those things.
Archie Hall: Aw, now, what is a sitting duck but a duck that just happens to be sitting?
Pvt. Sam Beacham: [Sarcastically] "What is a DEAD duck but a duck that just happens to be DEAD?"

--Louis Nye (as ) in The Last Time I Saw Archie

The Last Time I Saw Archie

The Last Time I Saw Archie

Pvt. Russell Drexler: Have you seen the newsreel shots of those English glider invasions? The whole idea seems to be to try and crash through as many fences as you can before you burst into flames.

--Louis Nye (as ) in The Last Time I Saw Archie