A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

[Huge stacks of fan mail is delivered]
Ringo: None for me, then?
Norm: Sorry.
John: [handing Ringo one letter] Here, this'll keep you busy.

--John Lennon (as John) in A Hard Day's Night



[In disguise at the airport. Newspapers have discovered their destination]
Ringo: Okay, who let it out?
John: Nobody'll know!
Paul: We're not going there.
John: We just put it 'round we're going there.
Paul: We're not going there!
John: We just put it 'round we're going there!
George: Just so everybody'd think we were going there.
Ringo: I'd like to go there.
John: You wouldn't like it.
Ringo: Where are we going, then?
John: Never you mind.

--John Lennon (as John) in Help!



[Paul tracking foot prints]
Paul: Easterner with greasy feet speak with fork tongue.
John: Does he? What's he say?
Paul: Passing this way, hot foot, many moons to temple.
George: Don't encourage him. You've got the part Paul!
John: Dare we ask how you know?
Ringo: How?
Paul: How! I saw these footprints and this guide book which points out places of local worship.
John: To the temple!

--John Lennon (as John) in Help!

A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

[Paul, John and George come out of the studio, looking for Ringo]
Paul: Let's split up and look for him!
[Paul walks away, George and John follow him. Paul turns around]
John: We've become a limited company.

--John Lennon (as John) in A Hard Day's Night



[Ringo is trapped in a cellar with a tiger]
Superintendent: Good lord, it's Rajah, the famous Bengal man-eater who escaped from London Zoo this morning.
John: Good Lord! So it famous is!
Superintendent: Oh, don't worry, he's absolutely harmless. All you have to do is sing Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" from the famous Ninth Symphony in D minor.
John: Of course! Why didn't you think of that you twit!

--John Lennon (as John) in Help!



[Ringo's hand is trapped in the sandwich dispenser]
Ringo: Hey someone's got hold of me finger!
John: Are you trying to attract attention again?

--John Lennon (as John) in Help!

A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

[the boys are listening to the radio]
Man on Train: And we'll have that thing off as well, thank you.
Ringo: But...
Man on Train: An elementary knowledge of the Railway Acts would tell you that I'm perfectly within my rights.
Paul: Yeah, but we want to hear it, and there's more of us than you. We're a community, like, a majority vote. Up the workers and all that stuff!
Man on Train: Then I suggest you take that damned thing to the corridor or some other part of the train where you obviously belong.
John: [Leaning over to the man] Give us a kiss.

--John Lennon (as John) in A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

Reporter: How did you find America?
John: Turned left at Greenland.

--John Lennon (as John) in A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

John: You should have gone west to America. You would have been a senior citizen of Boston. But you took a wrong turn, and what happened? You're a lonely old man from Liverpool.
Grandfather: But I'm clean.
John: Are you?

--John Lennon (as John) in A Hard Day's Night

