Room for One More

Room for One More

George 'Poppy' Rose: [to the dog after the kids give an anonymous vote] It was anonymous eh? Who did you vote for?

--Cary Grant (as George 'Poppy' Rose) in Room for One More



George Kerby: [goes to change Topper's flat tire] Well, I'll be darned if I waste any ectoplasm doing it.
[turns invisible]

--Cary Grant (as George Kerby) in Topper



George Kerby: My pet, resting's the sort of thing you've got to work up to gradually... very dangerous to rest all of a sudden.

--Cary Grant (as George Kerby) in Topper



George Kerby: Say, if I'm in the way, you folks could leave.

--Cary Grant (as George Kerby) in Topper

The Eagle and the Hawk

The Eagle and the Hawk

Henry Crocker: Why don't you get wise? This is a war. I'm hired to kill the enemy, and there ain't no book of rules about that. Every one I put away means one less to kill me. That's my job, and I'm doing it.

--Cary Grant (as Henry Crocker) in The Eagle and the Hawk

The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

Jerry Warriner: And if you get bored in Oklahoma City, you can always go over to Tulsa for the weekend!

--Cary Grant (as Jerry Warriner) in The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

Jerry Warriner: I wish Lucy would go out and get some fun for herself now and again. It would do her good. That's the trouble with most marriages today. People are always imagining things. The road to Reno is paved with suspicions. And the first thing you know, they all end up in a divorce court.

--Cary Grant (as Jerry Warriner) in The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

Jerry Warriner: I'm going out to get some popcorn and pink lemonade. I've just seen a three-ring circus.

--Cary Grant (as Jerry Warriner) in The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

Jerry Warriner: In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to what he's been thinking about all winter.

--Cary Grant (as Jerry Warriner) in The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

The Awful Truth

Jerry Warriner: What do we drink to?
Lucy Warriner: Well, let's drink to our future. Here's hoping you and Barbara will be very happy, which I doubt very much.
Jerry Warriner: No, let's drink to your happiness with Buffalo Bill, which doesn't even make sense.

--Cary Grant (as Jerry Warriner) in The Awful Truth

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