Omar Sharif

Omar Sharif
(as Sherif Ali)

Sherif Ali: What are you looking for?
T.E. Lawrence: Some way to announce myself.
Sherif Ali: Be patient with him, God.

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as T.E. Lawrence)

Sherif Ali: What is your name?
T.E. Lawrence: My name is for my friends. None of my friends is a murderer!

Jack Hawkins

Jack Hawkins
(as General Allenby)

General Allenby: [leafing through Lawrence's dossier] Undisciplined... unpunctual... untidy. Knowledge of music... knowledge of literature... knowledge of... knowledge of... you're an interesting man there's no doubt about it.

Jack Hawkins

Jack Hawkins
(as General Allenby)

General Allenby: [the British army staff is having a field briefing] Very well, gentlemen. The cavalry's gone through Mazril and Deraa. Very good, by the way, very good indeed. Now your turn.
Artilery general, field briefing: Well, sir, if the enemy's retreating in any kind of order - which we'd better assume...
General Allenby: Certainly.
Artilery general, field briefing: ...Then they can't be further than this Mallud place. In which case I can have them within range by... 0900 hours tomorrow?
General Allenby: Splendid! Phillip.
Infantry general, field briefing: Well, these
[referring to British soldiers marching in the background]
Infantry general, field briefing: are the last of the infantry supports coming up now, sir. But Mallud... could have the fusilliers there by... Wednesday, sir?
General Allenby: That'll do for now. The guns are what matter! Any questions?
Cavalry general, field briefing: This Arab army on the right, sir - what's it consist of?
Colonel Brighton: Irregular cavalry, sir. About two thousand.
Cavalry general, field briefing: Where are they now?
Colonel Brighton: Can only know that by being with them, sir.
General Allenby: Then get with them, Harry! I want to know.
Colonel Brighton: Yes, sir.
General Allenby: Pound them, Charley -
[strikes blackboard with his fist]
General Allenby: POUND THEM!

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as T.E. Lawrence)

General Allenby: I believe your name will be a household word when you'll have to go to the War Museum to find who Allenby was. You're the most extraordinary man I've ever met!
T.E. Lawrence: Leave me alone!
General Allenby: What?
T.E. Lawrence: Leave me alone!
General Allenby: Well, that's a feeble thing to say.
T.E. Lawrence: I know I'm not ordinary.
General Allenby: That's not what I'm saying...
T.E. Lawrence: All right! I'm extraordinary! What of it?

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as T.E. Lawrence)

General Allenby: I fight like Clausewitz, then you fight like Saxe!
T.E. Lawrence: We should do very well, then, shouldn't we?

Alec Guinness

Alec Guinness
(as Prince Feisal)

General Allenby: I thought I was a hard man, sir.
Prince Feisal: You are merely a general. I must be a king.

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as T.E. Lawrence)

General Allenby: I'm promoting you Major.
T.E. Lawrence: I don't think that's a very good idea.

Claude Rains

Claude Rains
(as Mr. Dryden)

General Allenby: I've got orders to obey, thank God. Not like that poor devil. He's riding the whirlwind.
Mr. Dryden: Let's hope we're not.

Jack Hawkins

Jack Hawkins
(as General Allenby)

General Allenby: What about your Arab friends? What about them?
T.E. Lawrence: I have no Arab friends. I don't want Arab friends !
General Allenby: What in Hell do you want, Lawrence?
T.E. Lawrence: I told you! I just want my ration of common humanity.
Mr. Dryden: Lawrence!
[Lawrence turns away from Allenby to face Dryden]
Mr. Dryden: Nothing. Sorry I interrupted, Sir.
General Allenby: [subdued] Quite all right. Thank you, Mr Dryden. Look, why don't we, er... There's blood on your back. Do you want a Doctor ?

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