The Women

The Women

Lulu: Will I find anything in that ice box of yours?
Pat: Yeah, cobwebs and a bottle of gin.

--Virginia Grey (as Pat) in The Women

The Naked Kiss

The Naked Kiss

Candy: Nobody shoves dirty money in my mouth.

--Virginia Grey (as ) in The Naked Kiss

Unknown Island

Unknown Island

Carole Lane: So, this is the notorious Captain Tarnowski?
Capt. Tarnowski: Ah, you heard about me, huh?
Carole Lane: No, but I probably will... from you.

--Virginia Grey (as Carole Lane) in Unknown Island

No Name on the Bullet

No Name on the Bullet

Roseanne Fraden: Sam must hate us even more than I thought. He's going to let us stay together.

--Virginia Grey (as Roseanne Fraden) in No Name on the Bullet

Unknown Island

Unknown Island

Ted Osborne: Sure you'll be alright for a few minutes?
Carole Lane: I'm just as safe as I'd be in a den of wolves.

--Virginia Grey (as Carole Lane) in Unknown Island

Unknown Island

Unknown Island

[first lines]
Ted Osborne: I hate bringing you to a place like this, Carol.
Carole Lane: Don't be silly, Ted. I've been in worse places in New York and I had to pay a cover charge too. Only there, it's called Slumming. I'll survive and love it.

--Virginia Grey (as Carole Lane) in Unknown Island