Albert Finney

Albert Finney
(as Tom Jones)

Honor: [after the hunt, Tom Jones, injured, lies on a bed with Honor and Sophie tending to him. He pretends to be asleep] Look at him, ma'am. He's the most handsome man I ever saw in my life.
Sophie Western: Why, Honor! I do believe you're in love with him!
Honor: I assure you, ma'am, I'm not.
Sophie Western: If you were, I see no reason that you should be ashamed of it... for he certainly is a handsome fellow.
Honor: That he is. The most handsome man I ever saw in my life. And as you say, ma'am, I don't know why I should be ashamed of looking at him, even though he is my better. For gentle folk are but flesh and blood like other persons. I am an honest person's child, and my mother and father were married, which is more than some people can say as high as they hold their heads.
Sophie Western: [Shocked at her comments] Honor!
Honor: [while Honor continues talking, Tom Jones shows signs of awakening from his feigned sleep] My grandfather was a clergyman and he would have been very angry to have thought any of his family had taken up with Molly Seagrim's leavings... Why, ma'am, the young gentleman is awake.
Sophie Western: Yes, you've awakened him with your foolish chatter.
Tom Jones: I feel awake for the first time ever.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Squire Western)

Squire Allworthy: [Mr. Allworthy, in his sickbed after his carriage accident has brought him to death's door, prepares to tell his will to assorted members of the household. Tom Jones weeps at his bedside] Do not grieve, my dear nephew. Do not grieve.
Tom Jones: Sir, you cannot die!
Squire Allworthy: Death comes to us all, Tom. I've asked you here to tell you my will. Nephew Blifil, I leave you heir to my whole estate, with three exceptions. To you my dear Tom, I have given an estate of 800 pounds a year, together with a thousand pounds in ready money. I am convinced, my boy, that you have much goodness, generosity and honor in your nature. If you will add prudence, and religion, to these, you must be happy. One thousand pounds I leave to you, Mr. Thwackum, and a like sum to you, Mr. Square, which I am convinced exceeds your desires as well as your wants.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Squire Western)

Squire Allworthy: [to Tom, when not expected to recover from a carriage accident] I am convinced, my boy, that you have much goodness, generosity and honor in your nature. If you will add prudence and religion to those, you must be happy.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Squire Western)

Squire Western: [At the cemetery: shrugging indifferently as Bridget Blifil has just been laid to rest] Well, there's another one gone.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Squire Western)

Squire Western: [commenting on Sophie's playing the harpsichord] You play like an angel.

Hugh Griffith

Hugh Griffith
(as Squire Western)

Squire Western: Madam, I despise your politics as much as I do a fart.

Albert Finney

Albert Finney
(as Tom Jones)

Tom Jones: [Mr. Allworthy's recovery means Mr. Thwackum and others will not be receiving their expected inheritance. Apropos of this, Tom drunkenly taunts Mr. Thwackum with a song] - Sing, thick Thwackum, your bounty's flown.
Mr. Thwackum: [Indignant] You have good reason for your drunkenness, you beggarly bastard. He provided well enough for you.
Tom Jones: Do you think any such consideration could weigh with me? Damn you, Thwackum!
Mr. Thwackum: How dare you, sir!
Tom Jones: And damn me if I don't open another bottle.
[Tom laughs mockingly at Mr. Thwackum]
Tom Jones: I shall sing you a ballad which I have entitled "Sing, Thick Thwackum, Thy Bounty has Flown."
Tom Jones: [Drunkenly proceeds to taunt Mr. Thwackum with a mocking song] Sing, Thick Thwackum, thy bounty has flown. You lost all the money you thought that you'd own.
Mr. Blifil: [Angrily] Mr. Jones! This house is in mourning on account of the death of my dear mother.
Tom Jones: Forgive me! The joy of Mr. Allworthy's recovery...
Mr. Blifil: [Cutting him off] I had the misfortune to know who my parents were. Consequently, I'm grieved by their loss.
Tom Jones: You rascal! You dare to insult me?

Albert Finney

Albert Finney
(as Tom Jones)

Tom Jones: [Tom Jones has given a gift bird to the musically inclined Sophie Western, who has recently returned from France] I doubt if an English bird can learn French songs, Miss Western.

Albert Finney

Albert Finney
(as Tom Jones)

Tom Jones: It's a good night to be abroad and looking for game.

Albert Finney

Albert Finney
(as Tom Jones)

Tom Jones: Sir, I will stand no jesting with this lady's character!

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