Kym Karath

Kym Karath
(as Maggie Boyer)

Maggie: (about Happy Soap)
It smells just like my piano teacher. Now I smell just like her!

Kym Karath

Kym Karath
(as Maggie Boyer)

Maggie: It smells like the cracks in the schoolyard! Time to use the new soap you bought!

James Garner

James Garner
(as Dr. Gerald Boyer)

Beverly Boyer: What ever happened to my rights as a woman?
Dr. Gerald Boyer: I'll tell you what happened to them. They grew and grew until they suffocated my rights as a man. Whoever said all men are created equal didn't anticipate a woman making $100,000 a year and spenidng it on swimming pools!

Doris Day

Doris Day
(as Beverly Boyer)

Beverly Boyer: Are you still harping on that same old string?

Doris Day

Doris Day
(as Beverly Boyer)

Beverly Boyer: Hello I'm Beverly Boyer and I'm a pig.

Doris Day

Doris Day
(as Beverly Boyer)

Beverly Boyer: I'm not an actress. I'm a housewife.

Doris Day

Doris Day
(as Beverly Boyer)

Beverly Boyer: That soap saved my life today.

James Garner

James Garner
(as Dr. Gerald Boyer)

Beverly Boyer: What ever happened to my rights as a woman?
Dr. Gerald Boyer: I'll tell you what happened to them. They grew and grew until they suffocated my rights as a man. Whoever said all men are created equal didn't anticipate a woman making $100,000 a year and spenidng it on swimming pools!

James Garner

James Garner
(as Dr. Gerald Boyer)

Dr. Gerald Boyer: How dry I am. How dry I am. How dry I am. Honey... Where are you honey?

James Garner

James Garner
(as Dr. Gerald Boyer)

Dr. Gerald Boyer: I'm a big fat rat.
Beverly Boyer: You're not a big fat rat!
Dr. Gerald Boyer: You -- you're a sweet wonderful woman, and I don't know why it's taken me so long to find out.
Beverly Boyer: Hush darling, don't say anymore, please.
Dr. Gerald Boyer: You're the most wonderful, understanding woman in the world -- Gloria!

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