Orson Welles

Orson Welles

Professor Charles Rankin: Murder can be a chain, Mary, one link leading to another until it circles your neck. Red was digging at the grave of the man I killed. Yes, your little man.
Mary Longstreet: You killed him?
Professor Charles Rankin: With these hands. The same hands that have held you close to me.

Orson Welles

Orson Welles

Professor Charles Rankin: The German sees himself as the innocent victim of world hatred and conspired against and put upon by inferior people, inferior nations. He cannot admit to error, much less to wrongdoing, not the German. We chose to ignore Ethiopia and Spain, but we learned from our own casualty list the price of looking the other way. Men of truth everwhere have come to know for whom the bell tolled, but not the German. No! He still follows his warrior gods marching to Wagnerian strains, his eyes still fixed upon the firey sword of Siegfried, and he knows subterranean meeting places that you don't believe in. The German's unbroken dream world comes alive, and he takes his place in shining armor beneath the banners of the Yeutonic knights. Mankind is waiting for the Messiah, but for the German, the Messiah is not the Prince of Peace. He's... another Barbarossa... another Hitler.

Orson Welles

Orson Welles

Professor Charles Rankin: Who would think to look for the notorious Franz Kindler in the sacred precincts of the Harper School, surrounded by the sons of America's first families? And I'll stay hidden... till the day when we strike again.
Konrad Meinike: Franz! There will be another war?
Professor Charles Rankin: Of course.

Edward G. Robinson

Edward G. Robinson

Mr. Potter: [Talking about his small town general store] All your needs are on our shelves. Just look around and help yourselves.

Edward G. Robinson

Edward G. Robinson

Mr. Wilson: Fore paws muddy. No mud on hind. Dry leaves mixed with the mud. Red must have been digging somewhere in the woods.
Noah Longstreet: Have you any idea what for, Mr. Wilson?
Mr. Wilson: A body, I think. Meinike's.

Edward G. Robinson

Edward G. Robinson

Mr. Wilson: Look out the window. Look!
Professor Charles Rankin: Well, that's - that's an old trick, Mr. Wilson, a very poor trick.
Mr. Wilson: Tricks. That's all you know is tricks. I don't need any tricks! And no matter what happens to me, tricks won't do YOU any good. You're finished, Herr Franz Kindler.

Loretta Young

Loretta Young

Mary Longstreet: Franz Kindler! Kill me. Kill me, I want you to. I couldn't face life knowing what I've been to you and what I've done to Noah. But when you kill me, don't put your hands on me!
[Picks up a fireplace poker]
Mary Longstreet: Here! Use this!

Edward G. Robinson

Edward G. Robinson

[after Meineke's body is dug up]
Mr. Potter: 'Course, he's changed some. Being buried in the earth does that.
