John Mills

John Mills

The Innkeeper: Have you ever been to prison?
Alfred Polly: Never.
The Innkeeper: Nor reformatory?
Alfred Polly: Not me. Do I look reformed?

John Mills

John Mills

The Innkeeper: I suppose you're all right. You've got a sort of half respectable look about you. I suppose you haven't done anything?
Alfred Polly: Bit of arson.
The Innkeeper: So long as you haven't the habit.
Alfred Polly: My first time, m'am, and my last.

John Mills

John Mills

The Innkeeper: I want an odd man about the place.
Alfred Polly: I'm odd all right.

John Mills

John Mills

The Innkeeper: What sort of work do you want?
Alfred Polly: I've never properly thought that out.