Lon Chaney Jr.

Lon Chaney Jr.
(as Lennie)

Lennie: I don't need no fancy foods like beans with ketchup!

Burgess Meredith

Burgess Meredith
(as George)

Lennie: I wish we had some ketchup.
George: Whatever we ain't got, that's what you want!

Burgess Meredith

Burgess Meredith
(as George)

George Milton: It's lonesome for a guy to be without a dog.

Roman Bohnen

Roman Bohnen
(as Candy)

George Milton: You had a cigarette and a drink and a look at a pretty dress, and it cost you fifteen bucks! You just shot a week's pay to walk on that red carpet!
Candy: A week's pay? Sure, but I worked weeks all my life. I don't remember none of them weeks, but this - nearly twenty years ago - I remember that.
