Vladimir Sokoloff

Vladimir Sokoloff
(as Mikhail Kalinin, USSR president)

Mikhail Kalinin, USSR president: [to Davies] My favorite vice is American cigarettes.

George Tobias

George Tobias
(as Freddie)

Freddie: Say, do you let girls ride with the engineer?
Railroad official: She IS the engineer!

George Tobias

George Tobias
(as Freddie)

Freddie: So this is Russia, eh?
Railroad official: Da, da.
Freddie: Well, where's the caviar?
Railroad official: You're eating some now in your bread.

Walter Huston

Walter Huston
(as Ambassador Joseph E. Davies)

Freddie: What I can't figure out if they're protecting us or watching us.
Ambassador Joseph E. Davies: Maybe a little of both.

Ann Harding

Ann Harding
(as Mrs. Marjorie Davies)

Mrs. Marjorie Davies: [to Madame Molotov] Well, I imagine that women are much the same the world over. They all want to please their men.

George Tobias

George Tobias
(as Freddie)

Mrs. Marjorie Davies: How did you rest?
Freddie: With one eye open.

Oscar Homolka

Oscar Homolka
(as Maxim Litvinov, Foreign Minister)

Maxim Litvinov, Foreign Minister: [to Davies] There is no security for any of us unless there's security for all.

Walter Huston

Walter Huston
(as Ambassador Joseph E. Davies)

Ambassador Joseph E. Davies: Mr. Stalin, I believe history will record you as a great builder for the benefit of mankind.

Roman Bohnen

Roman Bohnen
(as Mr. Krestinsky)

Mr. Radek: [to the prosecutor] Aside from sleeping I never in my life committed an undeliberate action.
