

Buster Warren: Can I have my hair cut, too?
Lizzie Praskins: No, you can *not*. It would break my heart to see that lovely hair cut.
John Warren: Well, he's getting pretty big for curls.
Maggie Warren: If I had my way, I'd have the clippers on him.
Buster Warren: Would you grandma?
Lizzie Praskins: Well, you haven't got your say-so.
John Warren: You're telling us.
Helen Praskins Warren: Anyway, we don't have to settle it now.
Maggie Warren: No, any time before he goes to college.

--Marie Dressler (as Maggie Warren) in Prosperity



Elmer Truffle: Hello, Tommy.
[to Marie]
Elmer Truffle: Who was at the door?
Marie Truffle: Lindbergh to take me flying, but I couldn't go.

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Reducing

Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows

Bonnie: I was kissed by a Spaniard once... now look at me!

--Marie Dressler (as Bonnie) in Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows

Bonnie: In five minutes, I'll have you as sober as I am.
[stumbles into clothes rack, knocking it over]

--Marie Dressler (as Bonnie) in Chasing Rainbows



Emma: [to Matilda] If you intend to work in the swell, smart families, you've got to learn to be deaf and blind. It isn't enough that you should just be dumb.

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Emma



Emma: I have a voice that only a deaf mother could love.

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Emma



Emma: Stop calling me beautiful!

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Emma



Hattie Burns: [Referring to Peter] Oh, Ivy, kiss him. He can't suffer more than he has already.

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Politics



Hattie Burns: Well, what's your proposition?
Jim Curango: Well, just this... if I let you in as mayor, all I want to do is handle the business end of the office, and you can handle the social welfare and public improvements.
Hattie Burns: Oh, well, the first public improvement I'm gonna make is to run you outta town.

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Politics



Marie Truffle: [at the train station searching franticly under her blouse for her pocketbook] Oh, there she is. It slipped. Oh, my land. Now how am I going to get it? Oh, what am I going to do?
Old Man with White Beard in Train Line: Can I help ya, lady?
Marie Truffle: You can *not*! There's no fool like an old fool.

--Marie Dressler (as ) in Reducing

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