White Heat

White Heat

Ma Jarrett: I told you, Cody hasn't been in California for months.
Philip Evans: I suppose he shot me all the way from another state.
Ma Jarrett: What makes you think *he* shot you? Lots of people have guns.
Philip Evans: I was as close to him as I am to you.
Ma Jarrett: Anybody else see him?
Philip Evans: Just you. And his wife.
Ma Jarrett: Of course, being an old woman, I wouldn't know much about the law, but I hear you got to have *witnesses* to make anything stand up in court.

--Margaret Wycherly (as Ma Jarrett) in White Heat

Sergeant York

Sergeant York

Mother York: Don't rightly know, Child. Don't rightly know.

--Margaret Wycherly (as Mother York) in Sergeant York

Sergeant York

Sergeant York

[Alvin puts a handful of dirt onto a plate at the table and pushes it toward his mother]
Mother York: That there's bottom land soil, ain't it? Queer how the folks on the bottom looks down on the folks on the top. It was always that way. No changin' it!
Alvin: I'm gonna *get* us a piece of bottom land!
Mother York: Your pa set out to get a piece of bottom land once. Nary a man ever tried any harder! Liked to *kill* hisself tryin'!

--Margaret Wycherly (as Mother York) in Sergeant York
