Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Yosemite Sam: Be you the mean hombre that's a-hankerin' for a heap of trouble, stranger? Well, be ya?
Bugs Bunny: I be.

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Yosemite Sam: I'm a-givin' you one second to draw a gun.
Bugs Bunny: [Takes out pencil and paper and draws a picture of a gun] How's that, chunky?

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: [Hiding from some rabbits along the rail] A few of my poor relations. They're always ready for a touch.

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Bugs Bunny: [Opens the door to the club car to find a large, live-action saloon inside] Now that's what I call deluxe accomodations.

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

[last lines]
Yosemite Sam: [Bugs is tied up and hanging from a rope on top of the train as it lingers over a concrete bridge] Now, you lop-eared polecat, try and get out of this one!
[Sam begins to cut the rope and caption cards suddenly appear]
Narrator: Is this the end of Bugs Bunny? Will our hero be dashed to bits on the jagged rocks below?
Bugs Bunny: Is he to be doomed to utter destruction? Will he be rendered non-corpus mentis?
[Bugs walks into frame dragging a tied-up Sam behind him, with a bag of money in his hand]
Bugs Bunny: Eh, he don't know me very well, do he?
[Bugs chews on a carrot as the picture irises out]