Harry Morgan

Harry Morgan
(as Cully)

Clint Braden: Hey, piano player.
Cully: Yes, Mr. Braden.
Clint Braden: Tonight try to play the notes the way that they were written.
Cully: I'll use both hands.
Clint Braden: And if your pal Johnny is late again, I hope he can dance with a broken leg.
Cully: That's what I like about you, boss. Always ready with a pat on the back.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley
(as Johnny)

Cully: I lost it, Peg. All of it, honest.
Johnny: Yeah, he loaned me the last $5.
Peg: Now you stay out of this. Just to convince me, you take off your shoes.
Cully: My shoes?
Peg: [shouts] Off!
Johnny: Love and trust. That's what makes a marriage great.
Peg: Yeah!
Cully: See? I could never lie to you.
Peg: Ha! Ha! Ha!
[Peg finds a $10 bill in Cully's shoe]
Peg: Well... there's a $10 lie.
Cully: Now, how did that get in there?
Peg: I wonder. Oh!
[Leaves angry]
Johnny: Goodbye, gypsy.
[Cully takes off his other shoe and gives Johnny two hidden $10 bills]
Johnny: Hello, Zolita!

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley
(as Johnny)

Cully: Where have you been? I lost your trail at the blackjack table.
Johnny: I ran into a guy who told me about a gypsy fortune-teller. She's got a hot cup of tea leaves.
Cully: I'm a coffee man myself! What happened with your astrologer? She couldn't read the stars on a cloudy night?
Johnny: You got to have faith, Cully.
Cully: And money. How much did you lose tonight?
Johnny: How much did I have?
Cully: That's what you lost last night. You're holding your own.
[Cully hands Johnny a mirror but it drops and breaks]
Johnny: Seven years' bad luck!
Cully: It was already cracked.
Johnny: Okay... Only five!
Cully: Be over before you know it.
Johnny: Aww! Say, five. That's a hunch. Loan me five bucks, Cully.
Cully: I can't afford you much longer.
Johnny: Put the five on number 5.
Cully: I'll lose my job if I'm late.
Johnny: I'll lose my confidence if I pass up a hunch bet.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley
(as Johnny)

Johnny: Are you a real redhead?
Nellie Bly: I'm a real everything.
Johnny: What's your lucky number?
Nellie Bly: 1. One at a time.
Johnny: One it is. Would you mind giving them your magic touch? Just for luck. You better get the bottom one too. By this time tomorrow, this ship should be the S.S. Johnny. What's your name, Lucky?
Nellie Bly: Nellie. Nellie Bly.
Johnny: Welcome aboard!
Cully: That's it, Bly! I need a name to rhyme with "eye" for a new song I'm writing. Now I got it. Nellie Bly!
Johnny: You're going to be made famous in a song.
Nellie Bly: Well, I've tried every other way.
Johnny: [as the roulette wheel spins] I don't even have to look. I know it's going to be number 1.
[finally the tiny silver ball falls into the number "1" slot of the wheel]
Cully: Ha! Ha! Maybe that gypsy knew something.
Johnny: Maybe? My future just got here!

Henry Corden

Henry Corden
(as Gypsy)

Johnny: Don't worry. Did you ever know a gambler who couldn't promote a little betting money?
Gypsy: You also need Chesay.
Cully: Chesay? Who's that?
Gypsy: Chesay is gypsy good luck!

Harry Morgan

Harry Morgan
(as Cully)

Princess Zolita: The leaves are ready to speak.
Cully: No lemon?
Gypsy: The tea leaves have spoken.
Princess Zolita: If you do not mind, I work alone!
Cully: What do they spell, Mother?
Princess Zolita: How lucky you are, the wheel of fortune has stopped at your number.
Johnny: A wheel? That's roulette.
Princess Zolita: And I see a dice table, too.
Cully: No blackjack? This boy plays all games.
Princess Zolita: And a new woman is coming into your life. A beautiful, young redhead.
Johnny: It can't be a redhead, Princess. My girl's a blonde. Take another look.
Princess Zolita: Now I see a blonde. Oh, but she has been bad luck for you. The tea leaves say... you will have good luck with the redhead.
Cully: I know better, I married one. Take the advice of a 20-year loser, no redheads.
Princess Zolita: He must not defy the tea leaves.
Cully: How are you going to explain her to Frankie?
Johnny: Why explain? We'll just use her to make a bundle.
Cully: You're going to pass off a beautiful redhead as a good-luck piece? Good luck.
Gypsy: If, uh, if I may be so crude.
Johnny: Oh, sure.
[Johnny hands a $10 bill to the princess]
Gypsy: If you please. The princess never soils her royal hands with money. $10? When the tea leaves promise a beautiful redhead, it is $20.
Cully: A lot of money for a cup of tea. That's a gypsy for you. Takes all your dough so you can't take her advice.
Princess Zolita: Minor problems like that I cannot solve.
Cully: Maybe you can get another advance from Braden.
Johnny: Not a chance. I'm already in for five weeks' salary.
Cully: That you lost right back into his pocket. Braden's got a nice little thing going there.
