Three Smart Girls Grow Up

Three Smart Girls Grow Up

Binns the Butler: Miss Penny's just a child, sir...
Harry Loren: I don't want biographies, I want my hat and coat.
Binns the Butler: That poem, sir, "The best-laid schemes of mice and men..."
Harry Loren: I don't want poetry, I don't want mice, I want my hat and coat.
Binns the Butler: Very good, sir, but I do feel...
Harry Loren: Now look here, young fellow. Your eyes have been burning holes in the back of my head all evening. And if I see you looking at me once again I'm going to get very mad and take you apart until I find that little machine that says "Yes sir, no sir, very good, sir," and I'm going to break it, see?
Binns the Butler: Yes, sir.
Harry Loren: Now get my hat and coat.
Binns the Butler: Very good, sir.

--Ernest Cossart (as ) in Three Smart Girls Grow Up