Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple
(as Dimples Appleby)

Children's Band Member: It's the Professor. He's picked a pocket again.
Dimples: You take that back! You can't "inflect" on my grandfather like that! Take it back!
Children's Band Member: All right.
Dimples: You don't think the Professor would take anything that didn't belong to him?
Children's Band Member: That's just the trouble with the Professor. He doesn't seem to know what belongs to him and what doesn't.
Dimples: The Professor's one of the "honestest" men in the world!

Robert Kent

Robert Kent
(as Allen Drew)

Emery T. Hawkins: Mr. Drew, you told us he would pay us our money.
Allen Drew: Yes, of course. Pay them, Professor.
Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, I, uh, I don't like their attitude, Allen. I've never heard of people doing business in this way.
Allen Drew: Why argue? Pay them and get it over with.
Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, the truth is, I find myself a little short.
Allen Drew: Short? How much?
Prof. Eustace Appleby: Well, around eight hundred dollars.
Allen Drew: But that's all the money I gave you!
Prof. Eustace Appleby: It wasn't my fault, Allen. I was cheated!
Allen Drew: That's all the money I had! I was stupid enough to trust a scoundrel like you, you blundering old fool!

Robert Kent

Robert Kent
(as Allen Drew)

Cleo Marsh: But I thought you had money, Allen.
Allen Drew: I did. Enough, anyway. I guess I didn't take care of it very well.
Cleo Marsh: Well, what are you going to do now?
Allen Drew: I suppose I could get a job somewhere, and maybe save up enough money to do the show. That needn't change our plans about marriage any, Cleo. I don't suppose money is very important to people who are really in love.
Cleo Marsh: You can say that because you've always had money.
Allen Drew: Perhaps.
Cleo Marsh: I'm afraid this changes everything.
Allen Drew: Then you're not really in love with me.

Robert Kent

Robert Kent
(as Allen Drew)

Mrs. Caroline Drew: Of all things, an actress! Allen, how could you? You know how I hate the theater and all it stands for.
Allen Drew: I love her, and we're going to be married.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: Married? Allen, you can't. I won't let you ruin your life!
Allen Drew: My mind is made up, Aunt Caroline.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: You're an ungrateful, disobedient, shameless boy, and as long as you live under this roof, I must insist that you observe my wishes.
Allen Drew: In that case, I'll have to look for another place to stay.

Helen Westley

Helen Westley
(as Mrs. Caroline Drew)

Mrs. Caroline Drew: Professor, your granddaughter is a remarkable child, an appealing child. As briefly as I've known her, I've become very fond of her.
Prof. Eustace Appleby: That's easy to see, Mrs. Drew, and easy to understand, too.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: In fact, I'm so fond of her, I want to propose something to you, something for her good. I'm going to ask you to let her come and live with me and let me do all I can for her.
Prof. Eustace Appleby: You mean I - I should give Dimples up?
Mrs. Caroline Drew: This sort of life isn't what a child should have. You know that. For all your love and devotion, you aren't helping Dimples. You're hurting her. You may ruin her whole life.
Prof. Eustace Appleby: But I - I love Dimples.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: I know. That's why I'm asking this of you.

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple
(as Dimples Appleby)

Dimples: I brought it back.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: Brought what back?
Dimples: The cuckoo clock. I stole it last night. It's a funny thing about me. I'm so wicked. Isn't it awful?
Mrs. Caroline Drew: You stole this?
Dimples: Right under your very nose. I really don't know what's to become of me, I'm so bad. The Professor says he doesn't know. He says I'm gonna wind up in the "pinchitentiary," if not in jail.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: Are you sure someone else didn't take this?
Dimples: Oh, my goodness! You don't mean the Professor, do you? He wouldn't take it, he's too honest! He made me bring it back!

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple
(as Dimples Appleby)

Dimples: I didn't steal anything. Honest, I didn't. I'm too little. Won't you let me go?
Mrs. Caroline Drew: Where would you go?
Dimples: Home.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: Where's home?
Dimples: With the Professor.
Mrs. Caroline Drew: The Professor? Who's the Professor?
Dimples: Oh, don't you know him? Why, everybody knows the Professor. He's a fine gentleman and an "aristocrack."

Frank Morgan

Frank Morgan
(as Prof. Eustace Appleby)

Dimples: I love you, Professor.
Prof. Eustace Appleby: And I'm going to make myself worthy of that love.

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple
(as Dimples Appleby)

Dimples: Mrs. Drew, do you still think I'm worth five thousand dollars?
Mrs. Caroline Drew: You're worth ever so much more, darling.
Dimples: And do you still want me to come and live with you?
Mrs. Caroline Drew: I'd like nothing more in the world.
Dimples: All right, I'll come. Do you have the five thousand dollars with you?

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple
(as Dimples Appleby)

Dimples: Sometimes I wonder if men are worth all the trouble they give us.

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