Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy
(as Manuel Fidello)

Manuel Fidello: I gonna get nifty suit. You know, purple colored. Oh, very nifty suit, with shoes to match and big pearl buttons. Oh, and then I get new tie with big yellow flowers. Oh, then I walk up and down Duckett Street, and I say "Hey, girls, girls. Hey, look, look. Manuel is in town."
Harvey: Girls?
Manuel Fidello: Oh sure, beautiful girls. I got maybe five, six girls in Gloucester. I tell each one I like her best. You gotta tell big lies to girls to make them happy.

Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy
(as Manuel Fidello)

Manuel Fidello: Protecting, Harvey, from Long Jack's anger"You touch that kid I tear you apart see!"

Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy
(as Manuel Fidello)

Manuel Fidello: Wake up, Little Fish. Hey, wake up, wake up! Somebody think you dead, they have celebrations.

Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy
(as Manuel Fidello)

Harvey: I bet I know a lot of things you don't know. I know that's not French you're singing.
Manuel Fidello: That's right. About ten million people know it's Portugese.
Harvey: I bet you can't speak French.
Manuel Fidello: Right now, I sorry I speak *English*.
