Leon Ames

Leon Ames
(as The Chaplain)

The Chaplain: [at an interfaith service for the soldiers] Now it's nearly Christmas... and here we are in beautiful Bastogne enjoying the winter sports. And the $64 question is: "Was this trip necessary?" I'll try to answer that. But my sermons, like everything else in the army... depend on the situation and the terrain. So I assure you this is going to be a quickie. Was this trip necessary? Let's look at the facts. Nobody wanted this war but the Nazis. A great many people tried to deal with them, and a lot of them are dead. Millions have died... for no other reason except that the Nazis wanted them dead. So, in the final showdown, there was nothing left to do except fight. There's a great lesson in this. Those of us who've learned it the hard way aren't going to forget it. We must never again let any force dedicated to a super-race... or a super-idea, or super-anything... become strong enough to impose itself upon a free world. We must be smart enough and tough enough in the beginning... to put out the fire before it starts spreading. My answer to the sixty-four dollar question is yes, this trip was necessary. As the years go by, a lot of people are going to forget. But you won't. And don't ever let anybody tell you you were a sucker to fight in the war against fascism. And now, Jerry permitting, let us pray. Almighty God...
[artillery drowns him out]
The Chaplain: The organist is hitting those bass notes a little too loud for me to be heard. So let each of us pray in his own way, to his own God.

Van Johnson

Van Johnson
(as Holley)

Holley: That the new platoon leader?
Pvt. Johnny Rodriguez: Yeah, fresh off the boat.
Pvt. Ernest J. "Pop" Stazak: I understand your problems, men. I was once an enlisted man, myself.
Holley: For six months, maybe. Then seventeen weeks at OCS and he's an officer and gentleman by special act of Congress.

George Chandler

George Chandler
(as Mess Sergeant)

Mess Sergeant: [Bastogne is about to be overrun and everyone is being rallied to defend the town, he runs into motor pool] Fall out and draw rifles and ammo right now!
motor pool PFC: [shuts down motor he's working on] Chow?
Mess Sergeant: You ain't even warm! Follow me all of you, on the double!

Herbert Anderson

Herbert Anderson
(as Hansan)

Hansan: This is an M-1, semi-automatic, high velocity...
Soldier: Look, you're not selling it to me, you're showing me how to fire it.

Van Johnson

Van Johnson
(as Holley)

Major: Thank you Sergeant.
Holley: That's P.F.C. to you major as in praying for civilian

Van Johnson

Van Johnson
(as Holley)

[as Bettis is digging a foxhole]
Holley: Let's not try to reach China this time, hey Bettis?
Bettis: Well there's no sense digging if you don't go deep.
Holley: The last one we dug one together, you went so deep that when I climbed out in the morning I got the bends.

Van Johnson

Van Johnson
(as Holley)

[while being bombarded by German artillery during a driving blizzard]
Holley: We've had good deals before, but this is the best one yet. This is great. I don't ever wanna go back. I found a home in the army.
