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Fatty's Gift

Fatty's Gift (1914)

A Brand New Hero

A Brand New Hero (1914)

Lover's Luck

Lover's Luck (1914)

Fatty's Debut

Fatty's Debut (1914)

Fatty Again

Fatty Again (1914)

Their Ups and Downs

Their Ups and Downs (1914)

Zip, the Dodger

Zip, the Dodger (1914)

Lovers' Post Office

Lovers' Post Office (1914)

An Incompetent Hero

An Incompetent Hero (1914)

Fatty's Jonah Day

Fatty's Jonah Day (1914)

Fatty's Wine Party

Fatty's Wine Party (1914)

The Sea Nymphs

The Sea Nymphs (1914)

Leading Lizzie Astray

Leading Lizzie Astray (1914)

Fatty's Magic Pants

Fatty's Magic Pants (1914)

Fatty and Minnie He-Haw

Fatty and Minnie He-Haw (1914)

Mabel's Stormy Love Affair

Mabel's Stormy Love Affair (1914)

Mabel's Latest Prank

Mabel's Latest Prank (1914)

Mabel's Blunder

Mabel's Blunder (1914)

Won in a Closet

Won in a Closet (1914)

The Telltale Knife

The Telltale Knife (1914)

The Man from the East

The Man from the East (1914)

Our Country Cousin

Our Country Cousin (1914)

Salomy Jane

Salomy Jane (1914)

In the Clutches of the Gang

In the Clutches of the Gang (1914)

A Rural Demon

A Rural Demon (1914)