The Presence Overview:

The Presence (1992) was a Film directed by Tommy Lee Wallace and produced by Robert M. Sertner, Frank von Zerneck, Randy Sutter and Ted Swanson.

BlogHub Articles:

Cemetery Scenes: The Presence of the Dead in John Ford’s Westerns

By Jennifer Garlen on Jun 23, 2012 From Virtual Virago

The great Westerns strike a balance between the opposing experiences that define life on the frontier; they understand that the thrill of adventure comes hand in hand with the very real threat of death. Cowboys and cavalry fire their guns and gallop across the open land like eternal mythic heroes, b... Read full article

Cemetery Scenes: The Presence of the Dead in John Ford’s Westerns

By Jennifer Garlen on Jun 23, 2012 From Virtual Virago

The great Westerns strike a balance between the opposing experiences that define life on the frontier; they understand that the thrill of adventure comes hand in hand with the very real threat of death. Cowboys and cavalry fire their guns and gallop across the open land like eternal mythic heroes, b... Read full article

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Also directed by Tommy Lee Wallace

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Also released in 1992

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