Donald in Mathmagic Land Overview:

Donald in Mathmagic Land (1959) was a Short Films Film directed by Joshua Meador and Les Clark and produced by Walt Disney.

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[Donald winds up on a giant chessboard and his sailor-suit attire has somehow changed to that of Alice from "Alice In Wonderland" and he meets up red king and queen chess pieces]
Red Queen Chess Piece: [about Donald] Good heavens! What's this?
Red King Chess Piece: Upon my soul, it appears to be a lost pawn!
Donald Duck: I'm no pawn, I'm Donald Duck!
Red Queen Chess Piece: He says he's Donald Duck.
Red King Chess Piece: Preposterous!
Red Queen Chess Piece: Or he could be an Alice.
Donald Duck: [angrily] Alice?
Red King Chess Piece: No, no, no, it's a lost pawn.
Red Queen Chess Piece: [prodding Donald] Lost pawn?
[Donald runs off]
Red Queen Chess Piece: Stop that pawn!
Donald Duck: Help! Mr. Spirit! Help, help, help!
[the chess pieces chase Donald off the chess board]

Donald Duck: Gee, Mister Spirit. There's a lot more to mathematics than two-times-two.

The True Spirit of Adventure: The mind knows no limits when used properly. Think of a pentagram, Donald. Now put another inside, a third, and a fourth. No pencil is sharp enough to draw as fine as you can think, and no paper large enough to hold your imagination. In fact, it is only in the mind that we can conceive infinity.
[the infinite progression of pentagrams turns into a hallway of doors]
The True Spirit of Adventure: Mathematical thinking has opened the doors to the exciting adventures of science.
Donald Duck: I'll be doggone! I've never seen so many doors before.
[Runs back and forth from one door to another]
The True Spirit of Adventure: Each discovery leads to many others. An endless chain.
Donald Duck: Hey, hey! What's the matter with these doors? Hey! These doors won't open! They're locked!
The True Spirit of Adventure: Of course they are locked. These are the doors of the future, and the key is...
Donald Duck: Mathematics!
The True Spirit of Adventure: Right. Mathematics. The boundless treasures of science are locked behind those doors. In time, they will be opened by the curious and inquiring minds of future generations. In the words of Galileo, "Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe."

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Facts about

This was the first Disney cartoon ever televised in color, in 1961, as the first episode of "The Wonderful World of Color" (NBC's new title for Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color when it switched from ABC-TV to that network).
Originally released on a bill with Darby O'Gill and the Little People.
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