Rock Hudson had expected to be cast as Philip, but director Delbert Mann wanted Cary Grant.

Cary Grant hated the finished film.

Cary Grant was a big fan of The Honeymooners and Audrey Meadows in particular, and was responsible for getting her the part of Connie.

In her autobiography, Doris Day wrote that Cary Grant was very professional and exacting with details, helping her with her wardrobe choices for the film and decorating the library set with his own books from home. However, he was a completely private person, totally reserved, and very distant. Their relationship on this film was amicable but totally devoid of give-and-take.

When Roger (Gig Young)is showing Cathy (Doris Day) the list of potential husbands for her, we learn that one of the names on the list is Rock Hudson, Day's co-star in Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back and Send Me No Flowers.