

Larry Adler's name was removed on prints released in the USA due to his blacklisting following the House Un-American Activities Committee's hearings into alleged Communist infiltration in Hollywood.

John Gregson (owner of Genevieve) couldn't actually drive.

Claire Bloom was first choice for the role of Wendy but was unavailable.

Graham Whettam composed a rejected score.

According to Dinah Sheridan interviewed in 'Sixty Voices' edited by Brian McFarlane and published by the BFI, in addition to Claire Bloom, Guy Middleton was wanted for the Kenneth More part and Dirk Bogarde for the John Gregson role. She added 'I can't remember who they wanted instead of Kay Kendall'.

Ambrose's quotation "From the East to western Ind / No jewel is like Rosalind" is taken from Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'.

Despite being one of Britain's most well-loved films, this was apparently hell to make. Director Henry Cornelius was vetoed on most of his first choices - Dirk Bogarde turned him down, as had Claire Bloom - and he was forced to make it at studios he didn't want to work at. Cornelius' displeasure was acutely felt by cast and crew as he didn't hide how unhappy he was. He was also seemingly highly lecherous. Consequently both Dinah Sheridan and Kay Kendall carried whistles on them at all times in case they ever found themselves alone with him. Olive Dodds, Rank's head of contract artists, later testified that every leading cast member came to her at one point and said they wanted off the film.

The film ran into censorship problems in the US, partly because of the implication of weekends of illicit sex and because of the moment when Wendy asks for a coin so she can 'spend a penny'. References to toilets were specially taboo in the US at that time.

The film takes place between Friday 18th and Sunday 20th September (as shown on Tania's party invitation), indicating a year of 1953.

The McKims' car was renamed from Annie to Genevieve in reality after the film, and has participated in several London-Brighton Runs.