Gail Patrick

Gail Patrick

During the 40s & 50s, she ran a children's clothing store and playground from her home, catering to other Hollywood celebrities. All clothes sold were made from her own designs.

Gail Patrick's first husband, Robert Howard Cobb, was the owner of the famous Brown Derby Restaurant. Gail performed on stage with the Lux Radio Theater at the Music Box Theater (now the Henry Fonda Music Box Theater), which was just around the corner on Hollywood Blvd. After 1938, she only had to walk across the street when the show moved to the CBS Radio Theater (now the Ricardo Montalban Theater) on Vine Street. Mr. Cobb is immortalized as the inventor of the Cobb Salad.

Joined a college sorority, Delta Zeta. In her will, she bequeathed 1 million dollars to her sisterhood. It is the largest they have been awarded.

She gave birth prematurely to a set of twins during her second marriage - they died shortly after birth.

Was a diabetic.