Philip Ober

Philip Ober

According to a quote from Lucille Ball in Boze Hadleigh's "Hollywood Babble-On", Ober physically abused Vivian Vance, and one time when Vance came to the set with a "shiner", Ball told her that if she [Vance] wouldn't divorce [Ober], then she [Ball] would.

Gave up his acting career in the late 1960s to join the U.S. Consular Service in Mexico.

Philip appeared in a couple of the "I Love Lucy" (1951) shows with then-wife Vivian Vance. His best remembered role was as Ricky Ricardo's producer Dore Schary in one of Lucy's "Hollywood" episodes.

Sensible, straightforward American character actor on Broadway in the 1930s and 1940s, who crossed over to film and TV in the 1950s. Usually a corporate villain or firm-jawed military officer.

Studied at Princeton University and worked as an advertiser for such publications as Colliers and Liberty.