Hank Mann

Hank Mann

After acting, he worked for a short time as a makeup artist for Warner Bros, before leaving the film industry behind. When he left the film world he operated a malt shop in Sierra Madre for one year, and then spent his remaining years as a resident apartment manager with his wife Dolly in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.

Before joining Mack Sennett at Keystone, he told people that he worked as a steeplejack and as a trapeze acrobat in a circus.

Entered films in 1912.

Last survivor of the original Keystone Kops.

Taught Jerry Lewis how to do pratfalls

When his acting career ended he became a makeup artist.

When presented for appraisal on PBS's Antigues Roadshow in 1998, the hairpiece and mustache he wore in films, along with a bunch of autographed photos of him, 'Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle' , 'Mabel Normand' and others, were valued at approximately $50,000.
