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The “Remembering Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon”: Red Salute

The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by Virginie Pronovost on Jan 19, 2016

My friend Crystal from In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood is a big fan of Barbara Stanwyck. So, that’s not without reason that she decided to host a blogathon in her honour. She is also a favourite of mine and the more I see her, the more I appreciate her. So, of course, it’s an read more

Her Uncle Sam (aka Red Salute) (1935)

The Motion Pictures Posted by Lindsey on Apr 10, 2015

This film was viewed for the Barbara Stanwyck Filmography Project. Stanwyck’s earlier flicks can be somewhat difficult to find, and Her Uncle Sam, also known as Red Salute, Runaway Daughter or Her Enlisted Man, is one of them. Since the film has fallen into the public domain, the Internet Arch read more
